Birthday Wishes

A year of Stories badge

A year of stories is a collaborative blog circle where 15 talented photographers share their weekly photos and life. Please continue around the circle to see what my friends have been up to in all different areas of the world.


I’m exhausted. It was a crazy week. We arrived home from our big camping vacation on sunday night. The first thing River says as he exits the car, “I have to pee, can I pee on the lawn?!”. Yeah, it’s going to take a few days to tame the wild out of them. lol

It started raining as we were unpacking the trailer so that was fun. Not. Getting home at bedtime isn’t the way I would’ve preferred to do things as the kids were SO excited to see all their toys and be back in the house!

Monday was a blur of laundry, grocery shopping (Costco has Halloween costumes out – cue the ninja wearing child)….

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scooter riding, why yes, with one princess shoe on and one barefoot. This girl did not wear shoes all summer long. No joke. No shoes. Except for the last week when she found her princess high heels – then those were a favorite. I swear her feet must not have any nerve endings. She can walk on any surface and doesn’t even blink. She only ended up with one sliver (super minor and I couldn’t dig it out so her foot was sore for a day or so) and one cut. Toughest feet ever.


By the end of the day I was exhausted, but had promised someone that I’d take him bike shopping. So off we went. He bought a new bike with his savings from his job (he has a newspaper route!). It’s the NICEST bike. I’m so jealous. I’m still riding a bike that is over 20 years old………sigh………at least he says I can borrow it<3.

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I spent the next three days at work by day, and hockey shopping by night. Outfitting three kids for hockey is time consuming and expensive. But I got it done. Everyone has all the gear they need for the new season (that starts next week with hockey camps!).

We celebrated a birthday on Saturday! It was a big one – FIVE. We have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this. It was so fun and I have a little guy who is over the moon to finally be five. This birthday was greatly anticipated. It was awesome. He had a costume party to start, that then morphed into a pool party. It was fun day and very Star Wars themed! It was also the day of his first sleepover! His best buddy stayed the night and he was thrilled to FINALLY have a sleepover, he’d been asking for a year. This third child thing is no joke. I swear my oldest had his first sleepover in grade three!

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Thanks for reading about my crazy week, now onto Julie Mak. Click on over and see what her past week has been like, her two boys are so cute that you will be glad you did!




One thought on “Birthday Wishes

  1. First of all, that cake is amazing! What a fun week!!

    And the barefoot thing – yes! I wonder if we grow more foot nerves as we age. I am back in my hometown and the heat is brutal. I know I went barefoot as a kid here, but I can’t go out there now without shoes. (and I have clear memories of tar bubbling on the sidewalks as a kid, so it was definitely this hot back then)

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